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How to clean and care for your jewellery

Fine jewellery is a delicate thing and it should be properly cared for. No matter the quality, nothing will last forever if it's not maintained and looked after. We have prepared some tips on how to care for your jewellery so it can last a lifetime.


1. Remove your jewellery before swimming, especially in the ocean. Saltwater can be damaging to the stone beads (especially the matte ones), Sterling Silver and the stretch cord used for the beaded bracelets. Same goes for swimming pools and hot tubs - chlorine can damage your accessories.

2. Remove your bracelets before bathing or taking a shower. Although our own, personal bracelets have seen plenty of water and they have been fine for years, we would highly recommend avoiding any contact with water, soap and lotions. The stretch cord that our beaded bracelets are strung on is extremely durable, but over time water can lead to weakening of the material. If you get your jewellery wet, dry it with a towel or a soft cloth.

3. Remove jewellery before using cosmetics. Avoid contact between natural materials that our jewellery is made of and moisturizers, perfume, cologne, sunscreen and tanning lotions. Sterling Silver can be quite resistant to those, however the stones can be much more vulnerable. It's best to put jewellery on after you've applied your cosmetics.

4. Remove your jewellery before exercising or playing any sport. Getting your jewellery sweaty can be harmful for it - especially the Silver and matte stones. Not to mention all the risks of mechanical damage.

5. Avoid prolonged sunlight exposure. Direct sunlight can weaken the elastic band of our stretch bracelets. Over time, it can cause it to break.

6. Avoid putting your jewellery in contact with sand and dirt. Little particles have a way of getting into all the crevices of jewellery, making it hard to clean. They can also cause scratches.


1. Clean your jewellery regularly. The easiest method is using warm water with 1-2 drops of natural, mild soap. Wash it with your hands and pat dry with a soft cloth. A drop of natural oil can help bring the matte stones back to life - keep in mind that it will give them a bit of shine. Avoid getting it on the silver.

2. Store your jewellery properly. If not worn, keep your pieces in the jewellery pouch or box. Not only you will avoid getting scratches on it, but prolonged exposure to sunlight and air can cause Silver to oxidize - a natural process of Silver getting darker. The patina can be removed with a jewellery cleaning cloth.

3. Put your jewellery on without straining it too much. Beaded bracelets should be gently rolled onto your hand - avoid overly stretching it. Cuffs should be slipped on the narrowest part of your wrist or hand, without bending the metal too much. Their size can be easily adjusted, but keep in mind that excessive bending of metal can weaken it. Adjust the size of your cuff only once just enough to slip your hand or wrist through. Open the cuff by stretching it while holding both ends, don't bend it in the middle. 


The elastic band we use for our beaded bracelets is extremely strong. We carefully examine the band and stretch-test it before putting the bracelet together and once it's ready, we once again make sure the bracelet is strong and won't break. However the material isn't indestructible. We strongly recommend applying the rules above to make sure the cord in your bracelet lasts. 

If you exercise, hike, shower, swim and go to a sauna while wearing your bracelet, chances are that over time the elastic cord will be greatly weakened, leading to it breaking.


Cuff bracelets are designed to be worn low on the wrist bone. Unlike bangles (closed circle) they have an opening and they do not close on the wrist. It's extremely important that you put your cuff bracelet on correctly. 

Hold your bracelet in the opposite hand with the opening facing out and gently roll it over your wrist, starting at the thinnest point of your wrist, just above the wrist bone. Make sure to hold the bracelet with your entire hand, supporting it and preventing bending.

At this stage you may want to adjust your size - but keep in mind, you should only really do this once! Cuff bracelets are supposed to just barely slip onto your wrist. Once you adjust the size of your cuff, don't bend the metal anymore.

To adjust the bracelet, hold it firmly with both hands (symmetrically) and then gently and slowly expand or tighten the cuff a little bit. Check the size, and repeat if needed. Once you're happy with the size, the cuff shouldn't be adjusted anymore.

One of the most common mistakes is adjusting the bracelet every time you put it on. Repeatedly tightening the cuff once it's on your wrist , then opening it to comfortably take it off and put in on again, will cause metal fatigue and we can absolutely guarantee that your bracelet will break.

Cuff bracelets are usually thick (1mm+) and the only way to break it is to physically damage it by improper use. Please keep in mind, that this is not covered by our warranty and there is no way to fix a broken cuff. By following this guide, your cuff bracelet will last for many, many years.

What about the cuffs on the market that are springy and they easily return to their original shape? These are industrial factory items, made by pressing metal into the desired shape. Not all designs can be made that way and this method is only reserved for mass production, due to very high set-up costs. As we make our jewellery by hand, we don't have such items in our catalogue.


Over time, silver can become dark and loose it's shine - especially if not worn. It's caused by the exposure to sulphur-containing gases in the air, which cause the silver to oxidize/tarnish. It's a completely natural process and it's nothing to be worried about.

How to avoid it? When not worn, keep your jewellery hidden in a pouch/box with minimal air contact. Also, clean it regularly to keep it shiny.

Fun fact - because of this process you can't use silver spoons to eat egg yolk - it will turn black straight away! Avoid getting your silver jewellery in contact with natural hot spring water at all cost - it has a high sulphur content and will discolour your silver pieces!


Our jewellery is plated with an industry standard of 2.5-3 micron coats of 18K gold. While this layer is very durable, it’s crucial to take these precautions
to make your gold plated jewellery last:

1. Store your jewellery properly. If not worn, keep your pieces in the jewellery pouch or box.

2. Avoid contact with water and chemicals.
3. Sweat can also affect plating.
4. Do not wear bracelets on top of clothing -
5. rubbing against textiles will have a negative effect on plating.
6. Avoid prolonged sunlight exposure.
7. Remove your jewellery before exercising or playing any sport.
8. Areas of constant skin contact (eg. inside of rings) will wear off quicker.


Remember, that every single piece of jewellery you buy from us is covered with a Lifetime Warranty and Free Restoration Service! Free of charge, we will always keep your accessories looking brand new.